Brigid Ceremony for Imbolc

Brigid Ceremony for Imbolc

Live Drum Circle Saturday, February 3

Saturday, February 3, at 6:30 PM - 8:30PM, at Wood Lake Nature Center. (MAP)

Bring drums and rattles, or borrow on of ours!

All our welcome, no experience needed! Wahoo one and all!

In the Celtic world, The days around the beginning of February is the festival of Imbolc, which translates from the Gaelic as “in the belly.” One angle on that phrase is that in the warmer Celtic lands, the sheep are pregnant getting ready to birth the lambs. For us in the icy North of the USA - a less sheep-filled land - “in the belly” can carry more of the sense that we are still being cradled and cooked in the dark belly/womb of the great mother winter.

Either way, Imbolc is the time of opening new inspiration (literally to “breath in”). The earth herself begins her great in-breath that we see as springtime into early summer. PN the Celtic Medicine Wheel, summer is the fullness of that breath, autumn is the exhale, and winter is the space between breaths – the place of seeming emptiness, but pure potentiality.

Imbolc is dedicated to the Celtic Goddess, Brigid, the bringer of inspiration, among other powers. Her name, Brig,  translates as “power,” and also as "exalted." So, we are talking about big spirit power. Celtic poets call on Brigid to infuse her power of inspiration into them.

Register for the In-Person Drum Circle and Ceremony Feb 3 ($21)

Saturday, February 3, at 6:30 PM - 8:30PM, at Wood Lake Nature Center. (MAP) Bring drums and rattles, or borrow on of ours! All our welcome, no experience needed! Wahoo one and all!

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