Celtic Shamanic Journey Class

Celtic Shamanic Journey Class

Five Tuesday Evenings, July 11, 18, 25, August 1, and 8

7PM – 8:30 PM Central Time on Zoom

All classes are recorded, and the link sent out later that night for those who do not attend live.

If there is a core practice uniquely identified with shamanism, it is the “journey to the spirit world,” or the “soul flight.” Often with the support of sustained drumming, rattling or singing, the shaman “leaves the body” to journey to the spirit world to acquire information, healing, or power.


Whether you are brand new to shamanism or an experienced path-walker, this class is right for you. The journey is one of the most fundamental shamanic skills, and it can be life-changing.

There are many ways to do the shamanic journey. This class will begin with the core techniques that are commonly taught today, then move into several techniques using a distinctly Celtic approach that brings in uniquely Celtic stories, deities and practices. This class offers you structures, practices and ideas that you can carry with you for a lifetime.

Just what is the “shamanic journey?”

It's an evocative phrase, full of magic and, sometimes, trepidation. The "journey" can be seen as a type of meditation or prayer, or as an out-of-body experience. Neuroscience might say the shamanic journey is about opening new neural pathways. The mystics say it’s about accessing Source. The Buddhists might say it is a technique for exiting “self-preoccupation.” The shamans say it’s a way of receiving direct help from the spirit world, and a core method for building your power, which comes from your relationship with helping spirits. In all cases, the shamanic journey is a life affirming, stress-reducing, wisdom-enhancing, wonder-producing, thrilling and mystery-laden ride. Not always joyful nor pleasant, but always useful. Some people are afraid that they can't journey, or they are afraid of what they may find if they can journey. These kinds of fears are very common, and I'll guide you through them all.

You will recieve my 10 page PDF, "Basic Shamanic Journey Guide," and also one or two shamanic drumming audios you can use.


Cost: $199

You may use the PayPal button below (it adds $6 for the PayPal Fee). Or you can pay $199 through Venmo (@DrumSoul). If you use Venmo you must add your email address in the notes, I won’t be able to contact you!

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