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How to not do Resolutions Backwards

Justin Sturges • December 30, 2021

Well, it's that time again: New Year's Resolutions. We've been taught to do resolutions backwards. We begin with the commitment ("I'm going to get in shape!" "I'm going to activate a spiritual life!") and assume that taking action will bring results into our heart and spirit. We do this because we've been taught to act like industrial machines - you simply flip the "on" switch (the resolution) and the product (life-change) will be spit out the other end. Discipline is the fuel that keeps the machine chopping its way through our resistance. But guess what everybody? We aren't machines. We are poems afloat on an ever-shifting sea of love and yearning.

So, I suggest this approach to the New You that wants to emerge in the New Year: Forget about self-improvement. Whenever that voice raises up demanding that you better yourself, sit down, take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, imagine your heart center opening, and ask The Spirit of Creation to "show me right now what is trying to convince me that am trapped." After a few moments of contemplating that, try turning your attention to this question: "Before my parents conceived me, what was my original nature?" Spend some time with that.

Here is another idea:Forget about "this is what I should/must do to become better." Place your attention on a simple (yet totally loaded) question: "How do I want to feel?" (Not "how do I want to stop feeling," but "how do I want to feel?"). This is a deceptive question. Voices may quickly pop up saying "Bah-humbiddy-hogwash! That's so simple-minded! And everything is out of control and so very complicated!"

Shamans understand a "resolution" as a commitment we make in partnership with one's helping spirits and nature allies. The Celts called it "the vow to the spirits," and it's one kind of shamanic prayer.But our helping spirits don't read our action plan ("I will get into shape!") because it's usually full of practicality, which means it's full of the fear of being judged, which means it's full of lies, and it's secretly written by other people, often without us even being aware. This is why the "resolution "failure rate" is so high.
Spirits read our heart And they understand that an intention spoken cleanly from the upper heart can be activated in many, many, many ways, most of which the rational, practical, mind - obedient to cultural programming - quickly rejects. (What I mean by "spoken cleanly" is an intention that is purely, courageously, sincerely your own, not one foisted on you by someone else. And what I mean by "upper heart" is an intention free of any fear, an intention that makes you feel happy when you behold it.)

So, my advice is: give a try to framing your clean intention of how you truly want to feel in 2022, and then ask Spirit to help you activate it. Ask your helping spirits to design and show you the action plan. If you want to resolve something, resolve to watch for the plan they create for you. Resolve to say yes to it. Resolve to be open to it arriving in ways that you never thought it could. Resolve to be courageous. Wahoo '22.

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