Initiations of Dark Femanine (class)

Working With The Dark Feminine

Three Tuesday Classes: November 22 and 29, and December 6
7 - 9 PM Central Time, Through Zoom
(All classes are recorded for later viewing) 

We move into the dark time of the year, it's a perfect time to work with the "Dark Feminine." Our species is deep in the arms of this ancient and powerful ally as we navigate this global initiation. We taught a class similar to this last year at this time and it was so popular that we expanded the material and practices. ​

Part of the class will delve into working with the Celtic myth of the Old Bone Mother, or Cailleach ("Old and Veiled One"). In the story, she wakes up at this time of year, after sleeping all summer, and she goes about her job of deconstructing the current shape of things, in order to make room for the new shape emerging. If you are familiar with our annual Winter Solstice event, attended by hundreds of people each year, the Old Bone Mother performs that mysterious ceremony in the first act. 

Here is a five-minute video with the teachers describing the class

This three-week class is an extended communal prayer and a healing ceremony for yourself. You'll learn awe-summoning ideas and practices to help you navigate these times. In the class, you'll work with a handful of incredible faery tales and mythic stories to fuel our work and light up your imagination. 

The "dark feminine," activates necessary (and often unwished for) initiations into our next level of spiritual power. Underlying the work of this class is inviting Spirit in to help you expand your container, so that you can hold more power and navigate the world better. 

You'll receive some brief study materials before each class. You'll also be guided to make personal ceremony between classes, with the intention of continuing your personal healing, and adding in your vision and prayer energy to the healing of the species and the world. ​​

I'm happy to be co-teaching this class with Patricia Choate.
Patricia has a master's degree in applied anthropology which led her first to Mexico, and later, to study with Shipibo shamans in the Peruvian Amazon. She is also a licensed drug and alcohol counselor (LADC), a field she worked in for 12 years. She completed a year-long shamanic studies program with the Power Path, and is currently receiving additional healer's training with the Power Path. ​​Patricia's 25 years as a theatre performer, director and choreographer, and, in particular her in-depth training in Shakespeare, voice and text, is a primary influence on her ceremonial work and teaching.

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