Trip to Ireland at Bealtaine

Shamanic Pilgrimage to Ireland

at Bealtaine

Sacred Sites 5-night Tour with attendance a the Magnificent Bealtaine Fire Festival at the Hill of Uisneach

May 5th - 11th, 2025

Join us on this once in a lifetime, bucket-list awe-inspiring pilgrimage to Ireland during the sacred tine of Bealtaine. We are thrilled to lead this trip to some of the most energetically and mythically charged places in Ireland!


The center of our trip will be to attend the Bealtaine Fire Festival at the sacred center of Ireland - the Hill of Uisneach, just north of Dublin. This daylong festival is attended by about 5,000 people. Crafters, artisans, storytellers, musicians, and food will be in abundance. As dusk falls, the festival culminates in a spectacular fashion as a procession of fire and light winds its way through the festival village, with performers dressed in evocative costumes bringing age-old stories to life. The crowd ascends to the summit of the sacred hill together, where the Great Fire is lit—a breathtaking moment as its flames stretch high into the sky, visible across as many as 20 counties. This monumental blaze heralds the coming of the season’s bounties, a tradition that has been celebrated for centuries and continues to inspire awe.


In addition to the Fire Festival, we will also visit several incredible ancient sacred sites – true power spots – including Newgrange, Sliabh na Calli (the Cairn of the Cailleach), and the Hill of Tara. If you are a lopver of Irish myth and shamanism, this trip will absolutely astonish you.


The group will be smallish: around eight total.


This trip combines the awe and the great adventure of exploring Ireland, but we add in the nourishment of making prayers, offerings, and personal ceremonies, making it more of a shamanic pilgrimage than a tourist experience. We will carve out plenty of time at each sacred site for personal meditation and reflection. No rushing from site to site.


The exact itinerary will be finalized soon, but at the very least, you will want to be in Dublin the night of May 5, and our tour will formally end the afternoon of May 11. These dates might shift slightly.

Trip Itinerary

Right now, air fare to Dublin is exceedingly reasonable. If you are willing to make the quick decision to join this adventure,

you’ll save money on airfare.

Monday May 5th:

Everyone must be in Dublin Monday night.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, May 6, 7, & 8: 

Day trips to three of the most important and spectacular Boyne Valley sacred sitres: Newgrange, Hill of Tara, and Loughcrew Cairns. The order of the days wll will be determined later.

The Three Sites:

  1. The Newgrange, Knowth, and Dowth sites is a guided tour that takes about 3 hours. Afterwards, we drive to Slane Village nearby for a short, easy hike down the banks of River Boyne – Irelands most sacred river - for a water ceremony with the Goddess Boann, for a water blessing.
  2. The Loughcrew Cairns, known as Sliabh Na Cailli: The “Mountain of the Witch,” also known as the Cailleach. Here we will honor and work ceremonially with this extremely.
  3. Hill of Tara: has many wonderful parts to it. Our plan is to work with my two wonderful colleagues and well-known Irish shamanic practitioners, John Cantwell and Karen Ward as our guides. They will lead us through some less well-known places, and we will do some ceremonial work with them. In the afternoon, we will take a 30-minute drive to the awesome Fuar Chnoic Fourknocks Cairn, where we can go inside this magical stone hill, work with ancestors, ask for vision and healing and power.

Friday, May 9:

Travel to the area near Hill of Uisneach, and visit a sacred well dedicated to the Goddess of new life, Brigid. Stay Friday night at the Shamrock Hotel in Athlone, Ireland.


Saturday, May 10:

Attend the spectacular all-day Bealtaine Fire festival at Hill of Uisneach. Stay that night at the Shamrock hotel. Here is a video of the festival.


Sunday, May 11:

Drive to Dublin, stay. Our trip us formally ended when we arrive in Dublin.


Monday, May 12: 

Fly out.

What Is Covered In The Cost of the Trip?

Total Cost: $3,350

The price includes lodging for five nights in shared rooms (two per room). The fee also covers ground transport beginning from when we leave Dublin to when we return to Dublin. If you want a private room for the entire trip, add on $700 and let me know when you register. If you snore loudly, have a CPAP machine, or have serious sleeping issues, please ask for a private room when you register. Questions: please contact me:

You will be responsible for your airfare, food and drink, your hotel in Dublin on and before May 6 and on and after May 11. You’ll also reimburse me for the entrance fees for Newgrange, the Uisneach Fire festival – a total or about $135 (I must pay these in advance). You will also be responsible for a share of the fees for guest speakers we engage (max of $150). You will be responsible for booking and paying for your night in Dublin before our trip begins. I will have suggestions for where to stay in Dublin after you make a deposit. Based on previous trips, you can budget about $95 per day for food (not including alcohol). You will book your own flights to Ireland.

Reserve your spot(s) by making a $500 deposit per person. 

You may use the PayPal Button below (with a $15 PayPal fee) or you can pay $500 per person through Venmo with no fee (@DrumSoul). If you use Venmo, please add your email address to the note or I won't be able to contact you! You may also send a check to Drumming the Soul Awake, 4227 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55409. an email telling me the check is on its way helps. Because the group is so small, I cant guarantee that your check-paid-for spot wont get taken by an online reservation while the check is in the mail.


The deposit is non-refundable if you withdraw from the trip for any reason unless I can fill your spot. It is refundable if the trip gets cancelled from my end for any reason. The button below can be used for one spot or for two (click the drop down arrow).

What Previous Traveler's Had to Say...

"Traveling with Jaime was a life-changing experience. He led us to places of extraordinary beauty and spiritual power, where we had a perfect mix of structured teachings and free time for personal exploration. What began as a group of strangers felt like a family by the end of the trip. For anyone interested in cultivating a more spiritual life, a trip like this is an invaluable opportunity to immerse yourself in a kind of beauty and wonder that can further you on your path. Since coming home I've felt stronger, more centered, and more peaceful than ever. I'm already planning my next trip abroad with Jaime!"

"Being in a class or ceremonial space with Jaime is the spiritual experience I always wanted from church but never found. Jaime moves easily between the sacred and the silly, putting everyone at ease and creating an amazing camaraderie and intimacy between strangers. The class was motivating, inspiring, and thought-provoking. I would take any class from Jaime because I know that in anything he leads, I will be reminded of how sacred life is and feel connected to my deepest self." 

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