Working with Ancestors

Working With the Ancestors

Tending, Feeding, Blessing and Healing those who came before
Level 1: Tuesdays, September 14, 21, 28
Level 2: Tuesdays, October 12, 19, 26
On Zoom / 7 PM Central Time
All Classes are recorded on Zoom and available for download

Ceremony for the AncestorsWhether you love, hate, are ashamed of, or have no clue about your ancestors, working with them is some of the most transformational spiritual work you can do, and it is fundamental to shamanism. Ancestral healing is also deeply connected with your ability to open new vision for life.

​Parts of this work can be easy, straightforward and amazingly beautiful, and parts (particularly as we step into healing unwell ancestors) can be dicey and even a bit overwhelming. That is why I've split the study into two sections. You can take just level one if you want a good base, and level one is a prerequisite for level two. 

Psychic and energetic safety is the key in ancestor work. My approach starts first with building solid powerful protection against any unhealthy ancestors who might want to intrude in the work. This isn't about fear - it’s about building a strong container for this important work. It’s really about not being naïve when it comes to working with something as powerful as the ancestors. I begin each class with a protective blessing of tobacco and singing. 

For more background on working with the Ancestors, read my blog piece called How to work With the Ancestors. Also, consider signing up for the the Ancestor Ceremony on Thursday, October 28. 

Level One: You will learn about and practice with:

  • The four kinds of ancestors (Primal, Blood, Milk and Soul ancestors)

  • The distinction between the dead and the ancestors

  • The difference between well and the unwell ancestors

  • Ancestors who have an interest in you those who don't

  • Constructing clear and firm protection and support from healthy ancestors and spirit guides

  • Beautiful, simple ceremonies for sending blessing and healing across the threshold to the ancestors, and for clearing ancestral karma from yourself your descendants. 

​You will do some beautiful personal ceremonial work in these classes. These classes will also involve shamanic journeying. If you are new to journeying, it's not a problem, you can take this class - but I recommend you download my Shamanic Journeying Guide or work with another source to do some journey work before the class. There are many books and audios available. 

Level Two: Level One is a prerequisite for Level Two. In Level Two we will delve more deeply into healing the unwell ancestors. I want to be clear: This series of classes won't heal all of your ancestors - that is a long task for all of us. But you will accomplish a lot in these classes, and you'll learn techniques for how to approach the work safely so you can continue it if you want to.

Working with the ancestors should not be taken lightly. This work creates effects in your current life. It often shifts relationships with family as negative ancestral influences are attended to. It can shift your relationships with people in your life and with yourself. You will be expected to do homework between classes, and please don't take the homework lightly because it is for your protection. ​​


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