Wroking the Spirits of Nature

Invisible Allies, Faeries, Elementals, Devas, Poderios.

Working Shamanically with Nature Spirits

Medicine is everywhere, help is all around you. 

What would it be like to have clear communication and a trusted relationship with your invisible allies, teachers, healers and protectors that surround you? What would it be like to be able to call on their help, wisdom, and healing powers for yourself and for others? If you have doubts about your abilities with this, it's not you - it's that these gifts and skills have been trained out of you - banished - for many generations. This class will help you restore, re-birth and refine your inborn gifts. You'll come out of this class feeling far more supported by the invisible world, with more trust, and with practices that will help you continue to build inner and outer power. 

I'll offer you ideas and perspectives on building relationship with helping spirits, devas, faeries, elementals, and some other awesome nature spirits we often don't think about working with. You'll learn some specific practices from the Celtic tradition as well as other cross-cultural shamanic practices. These practices are simple, fun and very transformative. 

The Zoom classes are recorded, and other materials will be sent by email, in case you can't attend each class. We will be using the "Shamanic Journey" in some classes. If you're unfamiliar with the technique, it's easier than often taught. You can check out my 
"Guide to Journeying" for help.

"It was a great experience! I really enjoy your teaching style. You are a wonderful storyteller and the songs you sang touched me deeply." -SC

"Oh Wow, Jaime. Each and every class was a journey to the otherworld, a journey of wonder and healing, and such deep beauty." --BT

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