You’ll also get a great introduction to a deep and wondrous ancient text that I call “the three cauldrons of the soul.” This text teaches us a Celtic persepctive on regulating the flow of sacred energy through our body. The imagery found in this text is fundamental to healing practices.
You’ll also learn uniquely Celtic prayers and healing chants, blessings, and some strangely lovely Celtic shamanic practices.
We will use the “shamanic journey” as one method of building personal relationship with Celtic helping spirits and deities. We will use other methods as well, but I mention journeying in case you are unfamiliar with it. My Guide to the Shamanic Journey is offered for free on the class private web page.
This class is intended to bring you beauty, mystery, awe, and fun. This material can be extremely potent for personal spiritual development, and if you are interested in shamanic healing, this class will deliver ideas and practices that you can put into your work as a healer.
Students will have access to a private web page with writings, web resources, books, instructional videos, and audios (meditations, prayers, healing and blessing chants, and journey ideas).