Light up your spiritual life by working with Brigid, the most well-known and accessible of the Celtic Spirit helpers. Brigid is the premier healing goddess and power of the East on the medicine wheel: the power of rebirth, renewal, and possibility.
Via Interactive PDF, video and audios, with exercises, prayers, meditations and shamanic journey ideas, you'll work at your own pace to integrate Brigid's immense power and depth into your life and spiritual practice.
You can download a 5 page preview of the 42 page study guide by CLICKING HERE
If you are new to working with Spirit guides or deities, or new to the Celtic tradition, Brigid is the best place to start, because she is so welcoming. If you are an experienced shamanic practitioner or teacher, this study program will deepen your knowledge and practice, and offer you many fresh ideas to work with.
Included in this package:
Drumming the Soul Awake offers a wide variety of healing types—from soul and power retrieval to cleansing, ancestor healing, and more. Contact me today to explore the options or to schedule your shamanic healing session.
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