So much of our personal growth, wellness, and spiritual development depends on the challenging work of changing habits that are leaking our energy and power and identifying practices (habits) that build our power authentically (rather than superficially). Shamans, Buddhist masters, "direct path adepts," and mystics agree that this work is so fundamental that it forms the life-long meditation that we call our human life. With out taking on these skills in one way nor another, our spiritual life is one of unending circles rather than on an ever-expanding spiral.
This class will offer you some big ideas, delivered in easy and straightforward ways, and practices that seem simple, but are packed with power the longer you use them. To be clear: this isn't psychological work, this is soul work. From a shamanic perspective, power leaks are always connected to a fear of power. The reason we work with the Moon in this class is to give us a structure to guide us (the moon phases) and a powerful helper - the Moon - to assist us in the work.
August 2: Full Moon/Power Retrieval
August 9: Last Quarter/Waning/practices of clearing of habits and transferring their power into positive form.
August 16: New Moon/Waxing/Practices of calling in new power to support your core needs and vision.
You can also pay through Venmo (@DrumSoul) if you pay through Venmo, you must put your email address in a note, otherwise, I won’t be able to contact you!
Drumming the Soul Awake offers a wide variety of healing types—from soul and power retrieval to cleansing, ancestor healing, and more. Contact me today to explore the options or to schedule your shamanic healing session.
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