Summer Solstice Divinations

Summer Solstice Divinations

Available June 11 - 28, through Zoom (30 Minutes)

Cost: $99

The summer solstice is a great time to ask Spirit(s) for guidance, insight, and advice on your path. You can bring any question or issue to this divination, or be totally open, but one way to approach this particular divination is this:

Where is my power going?

Where is my power blocked?

What can I do to follow where my power needs to go?

For my divinations, I use various items that I have gathered over many years. I also call on helping spirits, tobacco, and other plant allies that I have worked with in the Amazon Jungle.

This divination lasts about 30 minutes. The divinations are offered through Zoom. 

Schedule your Divination

$99 (plus $3 PayPal fee)

Schedule Your Divination
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