In the Celtic world, the days of February are known as Imbolc, marking the early beginning of Springtime. The word Imbolc translates from the Gaelic as “in the belly.” In the Celtic lands, the sheep are pregnant, getting ready to birth the lambs. For those of us in a landscape that stays icy long past February, “in the belly” can still carry the same meaning of preparing for the next shape of life to emerge from us.
Imbolc is the time of opening a new life, new ideas, and new inspiration (the word “inspire” literally means to “breath in”).
Imbolc is dedicated to the Celtic goddess Brigid, the bringer of inspiration and healing, among other powers. Her name, Brig, translates as “power,” and also as "exalted." So, we are talking about big spirit power.
Celtic poets call on Brigid to infuse her power of inspiration into them. She is called upon for healing illnesses and warming the heart and transforming raw materials into a usable form. She is a powerful helping spirit with broad abilities and ways we can work with her.
This class will help you open a vibrant relationship with this powerful earth energy and otherworldly helper as we head into her time on the Wheel. I’ll provide you with readings, prayers, songs and healing practices that will help you call in Brigid’s powers to be used for yourself and for others.
Our Zoom classes will use the “shamanic drum journey” technique to help you build a relationship with Brigid. If you’re unfamiliar with this powerful and useful technique, don’t worry. It isn’t difficult, and you’ll receive my free 10-page “Gude to Shamanic Journeying.” You will also receive my “Study Guide to Brigid” as part of the class.
Drumming the Soul Awake offers a wide variety of healing types—from soul and power retrieval to cleansing, ancestor healing, and more. Contact me today to explore the options or to schedule your shamanic healing session.
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