There is nothing in our spiritual life more important and helpful than prayer. And weirdly, there is nothing more skewed and misunderstood for most of us, and that’s why we have trouble with prayer.
There is a distinct and radical difference between the way shamans pray and the way most of us in the urban west have been taught to pray. We will unpack the reasons for this, and then we will launch into the nourishing, expansive, healing, beautifying prayer practices that shamans have used for millennia to create more powerful lives for themselves and their communities. You’ll exit this class with a clear focus on how to make your prayers effective, and you’ll have a toolkit of prayers and shamanic practices to help you become the walking blossom that you already are.
The Zoom Link will be sent to you by 2 PM on March 7. You may use the PayPal button below to register. You may also pay through Venmo (@DrumSoul) but you must include your email address in a note or I won't be able to send you the Zoom link.
You may use the PayPal "Buy Now" link below, or
you can pay through Venmo (@DrumSoul). If you use Venmo, please add your email address in the notes, or I wont be able to send you the Zoom link.
Drumming the Soul Awake offers a wide variety of healing types—from soul and power retrieval to cleansing, ancestor healing, and more. Contact me today to explore the options or to schedule your shamanic healing session.
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