Working with Sacred Tobacco

Working with Sacred Tobacco

Three classes:

October 1, 7-8:30PM on Zoom

October 19th, 10 AM-noon, in-person in South Minneapolis
(all classes are recorded for those who cannot attend live)

October 29, 7-8:30 PM on Zoom

You don’t have to be a shaman, healer, or holy person to work with tobacco in a sacred way. You do not need to smoke tobacco to work with it, although this class will spend time teaching you the proper way to smoke.

This class will teach you how to use tobacco to clear bad energies from a person or a space, how to bless a space or a person, and how to make prayers and offerings with tobacco as support. This class is the prerequisite to “Level 2 tobacco training” that will teach about deeper healing techniques using tobacco.

There is a shamanic motto: the more powerful the ally, the more dangerous it is. This certainly applies to tobacco, and we can see the negative effects of much of the western world working with tobacco without being in a good relationship with the spirit of the plant. The foundation of this class is to build a respectful relationship with that spirit so that you can work with tobacco's positive powers. You can also apply these teachings for your work with any other plant helper.

My teachers in the Amazon jungle see tobacco as an incredibly powerful healing plant. There is rarely a personal healing or group ceremony conducted that doesn’t include tobacco. The first serious work I did in the jungle was a seven-day ceremony, called a dieta (Spanish for diet), where we fast from food and water much of the time, and drink ever-larger doses of tobacco juice each day. We spend the dieta in silent prayer, dreaming, praying and asking the spirit of tobacco to merge with us (often with great discomfort involved: vomiting, diarrhea, body pains, dizziness, on and on.) But I will say unequivocally, tobacco changed my teaching and healing work.

My work with tobacco comes from an Amazonian tradition. I don’t have knowledge as to how other cultures work with tobacco.

This three-part class will also teach you prayer forms and songs (in Spanish) to use for blessing and healing. There are two Tuesday evening classes on Zoom, and one in-person class on a Saturday morning. The in-person class is aimed specifically at teaching about smoking with the pipe. We will record the class on Zoom for those who are not in the Minneapolis area or cannot attend.

There are some supplies you’ll need to gather for this class, so it’s important to not wait until the last minute to sign up. After you register, I’ll send an email with the supplies list and recommendations for where to buy them. Supplies include loose tobacco, a small pipe and small charcoals.


I have a deep love and respect for tobacco, so there are some agreements I ask you to make:

You will do the personal practices I teach you to build a relationship with tobacco for two months minimum before you begin using tobacco in front of others.

You won’t teach any individuals how to work with tobacco for at least six months and won’t teach a tobacco workshop for at least a year.

You won’t conduct your own tobacco dieta (this can kill you).

You won’t call yourself a shaman or a tobacco healer in any of your social media world. Beyond lacking humility, there are some other nuanced reasons.

You won’t conduct extractions with tobacco with only this training.

Price: $325

You can pay in full now ($335 with PayPal Fees) or pay half now and half by October 19 ($168 with fees). You may use the PayPal buttons below, or you can pay through Venmo (@DrumSoul).

Be sure to add your email address in the note or I won't be able to contact you.

For Full Payment

For Half Payment

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